education cat
During the winter months, it's important to make sure your cat is warm and comfortable. Cats are naturally adapted to regulate their body temperature, but they can still be affected by cold weather and may need some extra help staying warm.
 06 November 2022 0  Comments  1789 views
question cat
Taking Piriton tablets for your cat is fine, however, giving him Piriton syrup containing ethanol is not recommended.
 03 November 2022 0  Comments  2690 views
question cat
It's no secret that croissants are delicious, buttery, decadent, and enjoyed by everyone worldwide for breakfast with a nice cup of coffee. But what about cats?
 03 November 2022 0  Comments  2061 views
question cat
The cats are sensitive to change, and some become very protective of their expecting female owners, while others become anxious and aggressive.
 02 November 2022 0  Comments  2834 views
question cat
A kitten can get infected with worms through milk, and an adult cat can get infected with flea eggs or by contacting another animal.
 02 November 2022 0  Comments  2248 views
education cat
While cats can't speak, they can communicate through their body language. Everything from twitching their tails to positioning their ears is a form of communication.
 19 October 2022 0  Comments  2402 views
education cat
A cat with dandruff has a dry, itchy, and flaky skin condition. The majority of cats are unknowingly affected by this condition. As a result of dandruff, the skin becomes dry and itchy as white specks appear on it.
 09 October 2022 0  Comments  3373 views
education cat
Are you noticing that your feline friend is becoming less furry? The shedding of their winter coat is a normal part of hair loss. Losing a lot of hair, however, could pose a problem.
 08 October 2022 0  Comments  3552 views

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While cats can't speak, they can communicate through their body language. Everything
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During the winter months, it's important to make sure your cat is warm and comfortabl
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It's no secret that croissants are delicious, buttery, decadent, and enjoyed by every
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Taking Piriton tablets for your cat is fine, however, giving him Piriton syrup contai
 03 November 2022
A kitten can get infected with worms through milk, and an adult cat can get infected
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The cats are sensitive to change, and some become very protective of their expecting
 02 November 2022
A cat with dandruff has a dry, itchy, and flaky skin condition. The majority of cats
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Are you noticing that your feline friend is becoming less furry? The shedding of thei
 08 October 2022